How Color Works
Color Therapy focuses balancing and complimentary light waves onto the body to create appropriate shifts in the energy centers and the body structure. Color Therapy is a form of energy therapy and is appropriate for use when restorative, non-invasive procedures are desired. Each color has its unique wavelength and vibration and each has its own complimentary color. Working together they create balance. In the human body this vibrational energy support helps to balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Color and Light Therapy are standard treatments today for many illnesses - cancer, vision problems, depression and other emotional and mental disorders, burns and skin problems and surgical recovery as examples. Research has shown these methods can be used very effectively to bring the body back into appropriate health and emotional stability.
Complimentary colors of Red and Green support healthy cardiovascular, respiratory and skeletal systems. Healthy Green brings the qualities of peace, love, neutrality and balance. It is also known to be antibacterial. Healthy Red brings the qualities of vitality, vigor and passion, warmth.
Complimentary colors of Blue and Orange support healthy extrovert/introvert balance, fertility and sexual issues, digestive problems. Blue is honest,loyal, devoted, truthful, introverted. Blue is anti-bacterial, cooling, tooth decay, jet lag, tension, anxiety, ear and throat and insomnia - issues that needs calming. Orange is warm, creative, joyful, extrovert, playful, friendly and sexual. Orange is very helpful in the treatment of depression (too much Blue), colds, asthma, exhaustion, trauma, arthritis and rheumatism, and creating movement.
Purple and Yellow are complimentary and support the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, vision, nerve and brain tissues and muscles. Yellow helps with focus, joy, confidence, logic, self-discipline - and on a physical level diabetes, anemia, auto-immune disorders, constipation and detoxification. Purple supports inspiration, sensitivity, hormones and the pineal gland.
Indigo and Magenta are complimentary colors. Indigo helps to maintain healthy brain and nerve tissue, thyroid and parathyroid, hormones, pituitary gland and eyes. Its qualities are intuition, meditation and prayer, and mental activity. Magenta assists with cleansing, regeneration and pain.
We are ever-changing rainbows of Light that can heal and transform discordant energies within us and regain the divine balance we seek. Thankfully, now we have the scientific data and technology to prove it. As with all treatments, a discussion with your primary physician is recommended. Color and Light Therapy are considered complimentary care.
Color Therapy focuses balancing and complimentary light waves onto the body to create appropriate shifts in the energy centers and the body structure. Color Therapy is a form of energy therapy and is appropriate for use when restorative, non-invasive procedures are desired. Each color has its unique wavelength and vibration and each has its own complimentary color. Working together they create balance. In the human body this vibrational energy support helps to balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Color and Light Therapy are standard treatments today for many illnesses - cancer, vision problems, depression and other emotional and mental disorders, burns and skin problems and surgical recovery as examples. Research has shown these methods can be used very effectively to bring the body back into appropriate health and emotional stability.
Complimentary colors of Red and Green support healthy cardiovascular, respiratory and skeletal systems. Healthy Green brings the qualities of peace, love, neutrality and balance. It is also known to be antibacterial. Healthy Red brings the qualities of vitality, vigor and passion, warmth.
Complimentary colors of Blue and Orange support healthy extrovert/introvert balance, fertility and sexual issues, digestive problems. Blue is honest,loyal, devoted, truthful, introverted. Blue is anti-bacterial, cooling, tooth decay, jet lag, tension, anxiety, ear and throat and insomnia - issues that needs calming. Orange is warm, creative, joyful, extrovert, playful, friendly and sexual. Orange is very helpful in the treatment of depression (too much Blue), colds, asthma, exhaustion, trauma, arthritis and rheumatism, and creating movement.
Purple and Yellow are complimentary and support the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, vision, nerve and brain tissues and muscles. Yellow helps with focus, joy, confidence, logic, self-discipline - and on a physical level diabetes, anemia, auto-immune disorders, constipation and detoxification. Purple supports inspiration, sensitivity, hormones and the pineal gland.
Indigo and Magenta are complimentary colors. Indigo helps to maintain healthy brain and nerve tissue, thyroid and parathyroid, hormones, pituitary gland and eyes. Its qualities are intuition, meditation and prayer, and mental activity. Magenta assists with cleansing, regeneration and pain.
We are ever-changing rainbows of Light that can heal and transform discordant energies within us and regain the divine balance we seek. Thankfully, now we have the scientific data and technology to prove it. As with all treatments, a discussion with your primary physician is recommended. Color and Light Therapy are considered complimentary care.