Look at your daily color selections and see what the colors say about you. Are they warm colors (red, orange, yellow), or are they cool (blue, turquoise, purple)? Do you wear green often? If yes, why? If no, why? Do your own color analysis or ask me for assistance. We can see where we can make simple adjustments to accentuate your healing and success.
Each of us subconsciously chooses colors to wear and to have in our homes that either support our healing and health, or to sabotage or suppress our best possibilities. If you frequently wear the same colors, ask yourself why, what does it do for me that is positive? How does that color make your body feel? How does it affect you emotionally and mentally?
Look at your daily color selections and see what the colors say about you. Are they warm colors (red, orange, yellow), or are they cool (blue, turquoise, purple)? Do you wear green often? If yes, why? If no, why? Do your own color analysis or ask me for assistance. We can see where we can make simple adjustments to accentuate your healing and success.
Stained glass windows were brought into cathedrals as a way of passively teaching religious stories and creating peaceful, spiritual emotions in the attendees. The earliest history of stained glass has been lost over the years, but the Egyptians and Mesopotamians are known to have worked with colored glass in jewelry and windows. The "Dark Ages" were a time when stained glass was removed from cathedrals. What was the effect of colored glass windows? The colors filtered by the sunlight through the windows bring the frequencies and qualities of each color and element. Blue brings peace, loyalty, devotion, tranquility as well as physical health benefits. Green gives balance, love, relaxed breathing and more. Purple, Red and Yellow are often found in windows, but Orange is less often used. The next time you are fortunate to see a window, let yourself experience the effects of the window's colors. What is the story it's telling you? What are the sacred symbols, geometry and other patterns that are affecting you? FREE ONLINE CLASS ON COLOR THERAPY - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 @ 7:00pm! Register via "Contact Us" page.11/6/2011 FREE ONLINE CLASS ON COLOR THERAPY - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 @ 7:00pm!
Register via "Contact Us" page - www.thewisdomoflight.com. Want to learn about the benefits of color therapy? This modality of holistic self-care has significant benefits in even the easiest forms. We will cover the human energy system, chakras, and why colored-light are healing. 45-minute class at no charge. Self-healing with Color and Light Therapy are abilities everyone has. You don't need any special lamps or tools.
Have a sore muscle? Visualize a ball of BLUE light and send it into the area of discomfort with a gentle exhale. Visualize this light relaxing the cramped or stressed muscle. Continue for 1-3 minutes and see how it relaxes. Likewise, have tooth pain? Visualize and send a ball of BLUE light into the tooth. Visualize this light transforming any infection or inflammation in the area. Keep pulsing the BLUE light into the tooth for 3 minutes as you continue what you are doing. For ACNE or other SKIN INFLAMMATIONS - visualize BLUE light on the affected area for 3 minutes to reduce the inflammation and relax the cells. After this treatment, visualize RED light to generate fresh, healthy, new skin cells. It Works! BLUE light is antibiotic, calming, transformative. RED light is regenerative, activating, invigorating. Working with your own ability to heal yourself, you can use Color and Light Therapy for honoring and caring for your physical, emotional, mental, energy and spiritual bodies. The Color in Words. What color do you associate with the words "Peace"? Green? "Harmony" - Blue? "Creativity" - Orange? "Passion" - Red? Each word carries not only an audible frequency, but a color frequency as well. When you look at words do you see colors, feel colors or hear colors? It's an interesting exercise to find the color correspondence to words. Letters of the alphabet have their own color frequency too. Numbers have their individual frequencies.
Experiment with words and numbers and see what colors come to your mind. It will help increase your sensitivity and awareness of colors. Some people have this ability naturally. Synesthesia is the neurological condition that automatically translates letters and words into colors. Research into this ability has accelerated in recent years to help us better understand cognitive and perceptive processes within the brain. What colors do you associate with "Water", "Air", "Belief", "Health", "Wisdom" ... Symbolically, food is White Light. The body is the prism that breaks down this White Light into various rays to be absorbed and used by the bones, muscles, tissues, and cells. The fresher, more organic your food is, the greater its ability to feed you. Think of your food as Light energy. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
Yellow has a distinct ability to help focus as it stimulates nerves, vision and memory. Need focused study for an exam?
Want to focus better while you are writing? Use Yellow notepads (that's why the color was chosen by the manufacturer!) Paint one wall of your office Yellow Wear Yellow socks Add Yellow accents to your desk or room Why Yellow? The vibration of Yellow stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System, activates the nerve fibers, brain cells, memory and vision. Yellow vibration energizes, awakens and directs. It's the perfect color for coming alive. Subconsciously it reminds us of the Sun and we seek that light in the morning. It's a great color for kitchens, dining rooms, porches, basements - use only soft yellows for bedrooms as it can prevent deeper sleep, especially with children. Word of caution - too much yellow depletes, can drain the digestive tract too quickly or overtire. It's compliment is purple. Enjoy the Vibration of Yellow! Solarized water brings the qualities and healing abilities of a specific color into your body where these qualities can be absorbed. The benefits of green are - antibacterial properties, stabilizing blood pressure, relaxing and improving lung function, opening the heart chakra and bringing the feelings of joy, harmony, balance and love. Things we can all use today! How to do? Take a clean, empty,plain green glass (not painted) bottle without label or writing, fill it with water and sit in a window for 24 hours. This allows the sun and moon energies (Pingala and Ida, Yang and Yin) to send the properties of green into the water. Drink several times a day and within a week you will feel better. This 'green' water will also taste a little sweeter and have a different quality than plain water. Drinking colored water has many benefits - try it and see! This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
Daily Exercise - Become aware of your breathing. Breathing IS Life. Most people use only a small portion of their lungs. Proper breathing supports balanced physical, emotional and mental health by increasing the amount and type of prana you bring into your body. Breathe deeply, with equalized inhales, and exhales, and engage your diaphragm. You'll feel the difference! CFL bulbs contain mercury and when broken in your home, pose a danger. Albeit the amount per bulb is small, but sensitivity and vulnerability is unique to each person. If the bulbs are to be disposed of at a recycling facility (or box at Home Depot or Lowe's), how safe can it be? Loaded into landfills, they do pose a problem to soil and water, and our planet. If broken in an infant's room, the baby is unnecessarily exposed to mercury at a very early and vulnerable age. Using full-spectrum incandescent bulbs is the best way to light your home and business, keep yourself healthy and balanced. Full-spectrum lighting supports healthy hormone balance, improves vision, learning AND is proven to reduce dental cavities! Used in schools and workplaces, extensive research has shown improved health, less absenteeism, increased productivity and mental alertness, and improved test scores. Soft-white fluorescent bulbs have proven to contribute to anxiety, depression, hyper-activity, and other stress-related difficulties. Try full-spectrum incandescent bulbs in your family room and bedroom - you will 'see' and 'feel' the difference! They are warm, easy on the eye and comforting. Full-spectrum incandescent, not CFLs - a CFL is a CFL - contains mercury. Keep those incandescent bulbs in your home. They last for years. Order online - it's worthwhile. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=are-compact-fluorescent-lightbulbs-dangerous |
AuthorDonna LeRoy, CCT, practices and teaches Color and Light Therapy online and in person. Archives
May 2014