Have a sore muscle? Visualize a ball of BLUE light and send it into the area of discomfort with a gentle exhale. Visualize this light relaxing the cramped or stressed muscle. Continue for 1-3 minutes and see how it relaxes.
Likewise, have tooth pain? Visualize and send a ball of BLUE light into the tooth. Visualize this light transforming any infection or inflammation in the area. Keep pulsing the BLUE light into the tooth for 3 minutes as you continue what you are doing.
For ACNE or other SKIN INFLAMMATIONS - visualize BLUE light on the affected area for 3 minutes to reduce the inflammation and relax the cells. After this treatment, visualize RED light to generate fresh, healthy, new skin cells. It Works!
BLUE light is antibiotic, calming, transformative. RED light is regenerative, activating, invigorating. Working with your own ability to heal yourself, you can use Color and Light Therapy for honoring and caring for your physical, emotional, mental, energy and spiritual bodies.